4 Golden Rules of Safe Gun Handling

Millions of Canadians choose to carry firearms for their safety, and in many jurisdictions of Canada, governments do allow that but under a licence. In simple words, authorities ensure that only the licence holders get to carry them. However, various researches suggest that almost 30% of those carrying a gun with them do not know how to handle their weapon safely. 

If you too are a beginner who practices at a range during firearms training in Calgary NE but does not practice safety, continue reading this blog post as it mentions golden rules of firearm safety. Without a further ado, let’s begin. 

1. Always Point Your Muzzle Downwards or Upwards

This rule is the first golden rule of firearm safety. You must not point your muzzle towards anything that you do not intend to destroy. However, a vast majority of gun holders fail to follow this rule for the reasons unknown. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, in 2016 alone, 2,50,000 people died globally due to mishandling of firearm and accidental shooting. 

So, take the habit of always being aware of the precise direction your gun's muzzle is pointing, ensuring that you maintain complete control over its orientation, even during falls or stumbles. Remember, this crucial responsibility rests solely on your shoulders, and it's up to you to exercise that control.

2. Keep Your Weapon Unloaded When Not In Use

The firearm should never be loaded until you are ready to shoot during practice or during self-defence. It is crucial to keep loaded firearms far away from cars, trucks, or any structures. When not in use, it is basically your responsibility to separate the mag or ammunition from the firearm. You must always unload your weapon when you are done practicing or shooting. A loaded gun is always potentially deadly. Also make sure that your never cross a fence, climb a tree or do anything silly, like playing or waving the firearm when loaded as it can accidentally fire.

3. Never Place Your Finger Behind The Trigger For Fun

It is equally important to understand that you should keep your finger off the trigger or outside the trigger guard till the time you are prepared to shoot. Avoid moving with your finger on the trigger, as a stumble or fall could unintentionally cause it to be pulled. Sudden loud noises or movements can lead to accidental discharges due to our natural reflex of tightening muscles when startled. Remember, the trigger is meant for firing, while the handle is for handling. The news that a 19-year-old died after an apparent accidental shooting on northeast side of Indianapolis, made headlines early this week. As per the sheriff’s department, this accident could have been avoided if people have the right training. 

4. Always Wear Safety Gear Before Shooting

All shooters must understand the value and importance of their own safety too. Exposure to sudden shooting noise can visually impair you or can damage your hearing ability, but gearing up properly can make a huge difference. More specifically, shooting glasses protect your eyes from various dangers like twigs, falling shot, clay target chips, and rare malfunctions. When you're disassembling or cleaning a gun, wearing eye protection also prevents springs, solvents, or other substances from getting into your eyes. There are many options for eye and ear protection, and it's important for every target shooter, or hunter to always have them on hand. 

Eventually, the direct relationship between power and responsibility could be understood even from the famous dialogues of Hollywood movies, like Uncle Ben in Spiderman movie said:

So, you should understand how can mishandling of a firearm can be deadly for others. In fact, you must always take the right firearms safety training from experts. 

Are you struggling with finding the right institute that provides firearms training in Calgary NE? We can help. Just give us a call and experience the difference for yourself.



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