Best Techniques to Learn During Security Guard Training?

Security guards should be skilled enough to protect themselves and the people around them. In any situation, they play a vital role in the protection of property, assets, and people. To handle dangerous situations they should be mentally and physically strong. During training sessions learning the best techniques is important for them to perform their duties effectively and safely. 

At Anzac Security Services we train security guards with the latest techniques to perform smartly during dangerous situations. We help them learn self-defense techniques and focus on their fitness so that they can become a stronger and more trustworthy security guard. 

Below you will find some of the best techniques to learn during security guard training Calgary NE.

Situational Awareness

Practicing meditation boosts the awareness and consciousness of the guards. The guard on duty not aware of the conditions around may get stuck in serious trouble. It important skill that you can learn during their training sessions. Situational awareness helps guards on duty to identify potential threats before they become a problem. Trainees should learn to observe and report anything out of the ordinary.

Communication Skills

Security guards with effective communication skills show their dedication to their duty and responsibility. Being an aspiring security guard you should look forward to enhancing your communication skills to kickstart your journey in security services. 

Effective communication is key in security work. Guards on duty must be able to convey messages to colleagues, law enforcement, and the people they are protecting. They should be skilled in communicating their message to resolve conflicts without resorting to physical force.

First Aid and CPR

What if a guard on duty found a person in need of First Aid and CPR? He/She should not hesitate to handle emergencies by giving CPR and First Aid to needy persons. Yes, during training you will be trained in CPR and First Aid.

Because security guards often are the first on the scene in an emergency they should be skilled enough to give a perfect CPR. Training in first aid and CPR can save lives and is a valuable skill set for any security professional.

Self-Defense and Restraint Techniques

The most important technique that a security guard should learn during training is self-defence. Being an aspiring guard you will benefit by learning self-defence techniques such as blocking, striking, grappling, and controlling an assaulter.


Guards are trained to handle situations where the use of force is a last option. Self-defence and restraint techniques help guards on duty to defend themselves and others if necessary. They are trained with non-lethal methods such as hand-to-hand combat, pepper spray, tasers and the use of batons. 

Report Writing

Reporting to seniors about the incident is a fundamental part of a security guard's job.  While getting security guard training you will learn techniques to implement in report preparation to submit to senior officers. 

Guards are trained on how to write clear, concise, and accurate reports that can be used as evidence if required. The point and clear report about the incident not only helps in resolving issues but also serves as a crucial document for legal purposes. 

Fire Safety

Knowledge of fire safety is essential and guards should be trained to identify and handle fire threats. During security guard training you will be trained in techniques to prevent fire. 

Experts teach trainees to use fire extinguishers, and the protocols for evacuation in case of a fire. During an emergency fire, training and knowledge of guards help in the safe evacuation of inhabitants inside the building on fire.


Security guard training Calgary NE is comprehensive and covers a range of skills that prepare guards for diverse challenges. By mastering these techniques during security guard training you can ensure the safety of the sites you will protect and the people within.


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